m&mf People Tracker ====================== Just use any of the people-locating methods - scent, window - it'll plot people on your map. You can disable it or easily change color of labels in it's **mmconfig2** menu entry, along with the font size of labels. The script works in tandem with the `Mudlet Mapper script `_, and thus the latest version is required - or **12.5.10 at minimum**! * if it's not possible to tell where exactly a person is, like when they're in a room with a non-unique name, then it'll put identifiers into all rooms that match and only put the list of people in the right-most room. This seems the best way to deal with this problem so far, but if you have better ideas let me know Comprehensive guide to setting this up ---------------------------------------- 1) **Get the map open** - press the Map button in Mudlet or *Toolbox → Show map* to spawn it. If you'd always like the map showing, `this script `_ will help you do that. Don't worry if the map doens't track you / says invalid position or etc right now. 2) **Get the mapper script** - `go here `_ and install this script. If you already have it, remove it and install it - it is updated very often. After you install it, reconnect - that way it will know you're connected to Lusternia, and not another game. 3) **Get the map** - after you reconnected, opening the map should automatically download the map from the game - and you'll be set. Aliases ^^^^^^^^ .. glossary:: mmconfig2 See its options - enable/disable, change color or font size. mmconfig labelsize Sets the size of the labels to use on the map. Default size is 10. mmconfig clearlabels yep/nope When enabled, this will automatically clear all labels on the map that are surrounded with () - so the ones that the peopletracker put on - when you move into a new area. mmconfig labelcolor Allows you to choose the color of peopletrackers labels on the map. mmconfig labelsfont Sets the font size of the labels on the map. gotop Walks over to where your target (as defined by the 'target' variable) was known to be last. gotop Walks over to where the person was known to be last. mstop stops walking from goto and gotop. Plots that invididual on the map as you locate them.